How did I get into this?
In January 2021 I decided to get to the root cause of basal cell carcinoma lesions that had been recurring on my face for 3 years. After experiencing 6 of them, I got the message that my body was trying to tell me something.
I discovered that a high ACE score, plus adult onset trauma could trigger this type of recurring skin cancer.
So I set about healing.Ā 
I tried some traditional routes: psychotherapy, breathwork, and inner child work to no avail. Finally, I found my way to Access Consciousness and fell down a rabbit hole of receiving energy work and learned tools to facilitate the expansion of my own consciousness.
Taking these magical steps detonated the generational trauma Iā€™d been carrying around. After a few Access classes and major epiphanies, the skin cancer spontaneously healed. Two biopsies have ensured they are gone.Ā 
Now that Iā€™ve experienced this sudden remission and so many other benefits to my body and being, I am profoundly excited to share these amazing tools with my clients. I offer private energy work sessions, coaching and classes. Donā€™t hesitate to reach out with questions, [email protected].

What is Access Bars Energy Work?
Access BarsĀ® is a hands-on process where 32 points on your head are lightly touched. This gentle touch triggers an effortless electromagnetic release of all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations of your consciousness. The absence of these considerations creates space. It's in that space that joy, ease, and vital life force ā€“ your natural state, rise to the surface.


What are the benefits?
Receiving this energy work is like hitting the delete button on your mental computerā€™s cluttered hard drive. Negative thought loops and mental chatter are released and space is made for calm and restoration. This system has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives and bodies including relief from:
healthy weight & body image
sex and relationships
relief from PTSD symptoms
chronic illness
and much more


What does it feel like?
Having your ā€˜Bars runā€™ (receiving a session) is relaxing and peaceful ā€“ imagine the after-effects of a great massage or walk in nature. At worst, thatā€™s all youā€™ll feel! At best, you open the door to a sense of total ease. If you continue to choose this burgeoning energy it can open up your whole life.

How do I prepare for my Access Bars session?
One of the purposes of the Bars is to help you to learn to receive. Weā€™re conditioned to take action and apply force to reach a goal. But in order to get the most out of the Bars, you have to be willing to receive, which means, lying down, relaxing, and surrendering.

Iā€™m in crisis, can Access BarsĀ® help?
Absolutely. I can travel to your home or visit you in hospital. While I canā€™t make guarantees, please know that within consciousness anything is possible. Please email to inquire about travel feesĀ [email protected].